THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Twenty


Chapter Twenty

Helena was kind of lost, she didn't know exactly where she was. But the place was beautiful. The green of the low grass stretched as far as the eye could see. The gentle breeze made the grass dance delicately, as if they were ocean waves. Yes, the landscape was really beautiful. The blue sky, almost translucent, without a cloud in the sky… and that calm, fresh light… it was an indescribable feeling of peace. She walked slowly, savoring the gentle breeze that caressed her face. After some time walking, she found a garden bench, lost in that immensity. She decided to sit down for a while, to think and try to understand exactly what she was doing there… she stayed absorbed for some time, feeling as if she were in another dimension, so light she was. But she was sure there must be some reason why she was there, right now. Suddenly, she felt someone's presence. But how, if even a few moments ago she knew she was alone in all that vastness? And who would be the person who decided to appear out of nowhere next to her? She slowly turned to her right and saw him, just as handsome as when she'd last seen him. But how? She couldn't understand...

They hadn't seen each other for some time. Why, she couldn't say. Try as she might, she couldn't remember why they hadn't spoken in so long. There had to be a reason, but she couldn't remember what it was...

She turned slowly to see him. He gently touched her hands. A shivering sensation ran through her entire body at that simple contact. Helena looked into his eyes, those eyes as black as a moonless night, but with a glow so intense that she simply couldn't look away from them. Those eyes brought her a sense of peace and tenderness that she hadn't felt in a long time. They remained like that, side by side, hand in hand, in complete silence. Not even her panting interfered with that moment of nature. Then, at a given moment, he finally broke the silence that reigned between the two,,,

- Why did you call me, Helena?

She remained silent for a few moments… then, she stammered, startled…

- But... I didn't call you...

Again silence reigned between the two. Each sentence uttered was accompanied by a long interval of time...

- You know… that I left this plane a long time ago! We are linked, and whenever you call me, I have to come...

- I don't understand…

- When… I left… I promised you that I would protect you… remember?

She didn't remember. Try as she might, she couldn't remember anything. Just the void. She couldn't even understand what she was doing there. She was there…in his company…but she didn't remember how she got there, or why. He left…where? Why couldn't she remember?

- I… I wanted to understand…

- There is nothing to understand, my dear. Things are as they are... it's the law of life.

- I can't understand you… couldn't I be clearer?

- I can only say what I am allowed...

They were silent again. Helena really tried to remember why she was there… but, try as she might, she couldn't.

- Helena… I know that your life… is a little… turbulent, at the moment…

- I…

- Look… things can get better, with time… but everything will depend on how you will act…

- If you don't stop talking in riddles, I'm leaving...

Helena made a move to get up. He held her hand gently but firmly.

- Do you really want to know what happened? This I can say. But what is yet to come… I am forbidden to speak…

- Ok… explain to me at once… what am I doing here, for God's sake?

- Sit down. I'll enlighten you on what has already happened...

When Helena sat down, he placed his right hand on her forehead. Instantly, like a tsunami, the memories arrived in great waves. And finally she got it.

It had been some time. She was in her last year of secondary school. That's when she met him. And soon they became nail and flesh. Everyone thought the two were lovers. And the two laughed about it. Because what they had was something much stronger than a relationship… it was a connection that went beyond the physical, it was a spiritual connection, of the soul, really. They were best friends, confidants of all hours. They studied together, went for walks hand in hand, always laughing, playing with life. Oscar… that was his name… he always tried to be at her friend's side.

With Oscar, Helena discovered something new in the world every day. Outings to parks, museums, quick weekend trips, each place more beautiful than the next. Because they were always together, the image of lovers was reinforced in the eyes of family members and acquaintances.

He was very fond of traveling inland. The more isolated the better. One of their last trips together was to a small town in the interior of São Paulo, located in the Paraíba Valley. It was São Luís do Paraitinga. They booked a room at a place in the center of the city. They strolled through the surroundings, decided to visit a forest reserve and take a walk through the park. At the end of the walk there was a lake, and the two took the opportunity to play in the water. But the weather changes quickly in the mountains, and a storm is soon announced. They managed to get out of the woods, got into their car and headed for the highway. At night they decided to eat a pizza at one of the many cantinas around the city. Another tour they took was in Vale Encantado. They stayed the whole day playing in the pools, in its warm and cozy waters. Yes, the two had a lot of fun.

- When are you getting married?

It was Helena's mother, questioning the two...

- As?...

- You've been together for a long time... It's time to make your engagement official and get married...

- Mom, where did you get this idea?

- Sorry, Dona Janete… I really like your daughter… but we are not dating…

- How not? They live going out together everywhere...

- Mom, we are friends. Just friends…

- And since when is there friendship between a man and a woman?

Mario, from the kitchen, cut his wife off…

- Jane… is that a thing to say? Why can't a man and a woman be friends? Friendship has nothing to do with sex, creature...

- You're right, dad... what's the problem with two people of the opposite sex being friends?

- It's just that your mother is from the time when men only spoke to men, and women could only be friends with women...

- But that's right...

- Mom, it's the twenty-first century...

- Sorry, Dona Janete… I never disrespected your daughter. I have a lot of affection for her… but we are not a couple. We're friends.

- Each one…

Janete went muttering towards the kitchen. Mario was taking the opposite path. He shrugged. He knew that his wife would never agree to their daughter's friendship. For her, something between the two was wrong. Did the boy not like women? But, my God in heaven… it didn't look like he was homosexual, no… well, as they say, appearances can be deceiving.

- Guys, don't mind Jane, no… she's kind of…

- I'm kind of what, Mario? You think I'm not listening, do you?...

- Imagine, Jane... I know you listen very well...

- So you're saying...

- I'm saying that this is your way… and that you will never change… that's all.

Janete mumbled something, but then got lost in her chores in the kitchen. She was preparing dinner and would not allow anyone, not even her daughters, to “disturb” her tasks. Mario tried several times to help her, but she simply chased him out of the kitchen. That was her territory, and she didn't allow anyone to invade it….

That was the last time Oscar and Helena had dinner together. When he left the house, crossing an intersection, a runaway truck ran a red light and simply turned Oscar's car into a misshapen mass. They say he didn't even feel the impact. Instant death. When she heard the news, Helena fell into despair. She ended up being hospitalized for a few hours due to her nervousness. She almost had a heart attack...

When she followed her friend's coffin, she had a vision. She was sad and tearful, then she felt someone hold her hand. She turned to the side, and there he was. Then he said these words to her...

- Friend, do not despair. I will always be by your side... I will never leave you...


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