THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Eight


Chapter Eight

The phone rang, waking Helena up. She looked at the clock, it was half past two in the morning. Who in God's name was so clueless as to call someone at a time when sleep was at its best? Her first impulse was to throw the phone at the wall. Of course she didn't, after all she was still paying the installments on it. She had to buy it, because her old one was really old, and she had no way to keep it anymore... grudgingly, still sleepy, she answered the call. In less than two minutes she was awake and out of bed. It was her brother-in-law, Ricardo, on the phone. He wasn't saying anything, he was visibly drunk, but it was clear that Letícia had disappeared...

- But what do you mean, she disappeared?

- It's gone... gone, gone! She has been missing since yesterday...

Helena gets mad and starts talking loudly on the phone.

- And just now you come to warn me, you retard? What's on your mind? No, it goes without saying… it's cachaça… after all, that's all you're good for… getting drunk, right?

- Please, don't yell at me… I'm desperate! I'm calling you because I don't know what else to do...

- Have you at least been to the police, you retard? Have you registered her disappearance yet?

- No... I didn't even think about it...

- It's obvious that you didn't think… the bottle was more important than registering your wife's disappearance, wasn't it?

- Don't talk like that… I'm calling you because I really don't know what to do! I need help…

- Have you called her cell phone yet?

- Yes, but the call does not complete… it says the number has been disconnected…

- I'm going to your house...

- Thanks, Helena… I really don't know what to do…

Immediately, Helena opened the wardrobe and tried to get dressed. A pair of jeans, a burgundy blouse with a simple tie… one of her favorite blouses, and she was about to leave when she remembered to grab a sweater. She asked for an uber on her cell phone, as at that time there was no public transport running around the city and her brother-in-law lived a little far away.

Half an hour later Helena was already at her brother-in-law's door. She looked at him and shook her head. Her red eyes showed that he had been crying. Her hair was all disheveled and looked like she hadn't seen a comb in a long time. The clothes, all crumpled. He was all misaligned. Which was exceptional for Richard. Extremely vain, he was always well groomed, and his hair was always carefully combed. Even when she overindulged in her drinking, he maintained his composure. And now… it was almost a pity to see the boy's situation… but she had other things to think about. Her missing sister was her number one priority...

- When did she disappear, Ricardo?

- Yesterday… when I got home from work, she was no longer here…

- And you looked for her?

- No… I thought she could be at home today, when I arrived…

- Wait... it means your wife disappeared yesterday, you didn't look for her... why did you think she would be home today, when you arrived?

-Yes… she could have gone to her mother's house… or to her house…

- It could, but it wasn't, you retard… what happened between you?

- We fought...

- Why?

- I swear I don't know… I can't remember… I just know that we fought…

- Ugly?

- I think so... I don't remember...

- And why did they fight, unfortunate?

- I told you, I don't know...

- I bet there was something in this story...

- What do you want me to say? I can't remember...

- Did you look in her wardrobe?

- Yes… two suitcases and most of her clothes are missing…

- Well… at least we know that she decided to dump you…

- I…

- You said you couldn't talk to her on the phone... well, that could mean she decided to change her cell phone chip... have you thought about that?

- No... but you're right...

- Now, I ask you again… what happened here? Why would Ceci disappear like that all of a sudden?

- I don't know... I swear I don't know...

- Something happened. And something serious. She wouldn't come out like that...

- I repeat... I don't know...

- Wow, stop… it even looks like a punctured record! She only knows how to repeat the same thing! “I don't know, I don't know!” She's already tired...

- I…

Richard was silent. After all, his sister-in-law made an unfriendly face that convinced him not to say another word. Now it was time to think… where could his wife be and why did she leave? Helena sat down, thoughtful. How was she going to break the news to her mother? Her father would gladly listen, but her mother… nervous as she was, it was dangerous to have a heart attack and end up in a hospital… no, she couldn't break this news to her parents until she knew exactly what had happened. …

- Was it at the store where she works?

- No… you know your sister… if I show up there, she has the biggest carnival…

Yes, Helena knew her sister well. One thing she hated was having family members show up at her work. And she demonstrated it clearly, in front of her peers. But this was an extreme situation, and she needed action to be taken. And the attitude, in this case, was to check if she was going to work normally...

Helena looked at her watch… it was almost five o'clock. Well, she wouldn't work again. She started to think that everything went wrong the day before because she felt that something wasn't right... she didn't really believe in mediumship, but given the circumstances...

- Ricardo, do me a favor… go take a shower to see if it gets better. I'll make you some coffee to see if we can cure your drunkenness. And enough of playing. Let's start acting like adults, because until now you've played the brat... where have you seen yourself... your wife disappears and you, instead of looking for her, stay there getting drunk and crying in the corners...

- Helen, I...

- Shut up and do as I say. In a little while the day will dawn, and we will start looking for my real sister...

The boy lowered his head and obeyed his sister-in-law. While he was in the shower, she went into the kitchen and made herself some strong coffee. She took the opportunity to also make some cookies, because she was hungry and was sure that her brother-in-law had not eaten anything the day before…

After being decently dressed, shaved and combed, Ricardo looked like a different person. Half unintentionally, Helena ended up paying more attention to the boy than she would have liked. She always found him handsome, although she was never romantically interested in him. But she thought he was handsome, that couldn't be denied...

They continued to talk into the morning, trying to figure out where Cecilia might have gone. Crazy as she was, she could be anywhere. Or none, if that were possible. But there was no point in racking her brains. The thing was to try to understand what had happened and try to find her. I wish they could get this done as soon as possible.

It was just after nine o'clock when the two arrived at the store where Cecília worked. Or that they thought it worked. They looked for the manager to talk. That's when they found out that Cecília had resigned the day before via email. And that he had no idea where the girl was. Well, the two were at square one, again. They talked to the girl's colleagues, but no one had any idea what had happened. Even when they were informed that she was no longer part of the company, it was a general surprise, since the day before she was all excited, saying that by the end of that week she would reach the goal for the month and would earn a reasonable extra for the surplus … yes, no one could understand why she left so suddenly…

They left the street, not knowing exactly what to do. Although, at that point in the championship, what could they do? Helena had to admit it, they were more lost than a dog on moving day… Well, all they had to do was go to the police station, register the girl's disappearance with the police. It might not solve anything, but at least there would be more people looking for Cecília.

After a few hours of waiting, they finally managed to register the occurrence. They took the copy of the B.O. and were instructed to go home and wait to be called to clarify whatever was necessary to resolve the situation. Richard didn't much like the way the clerk looked at him when he said his wife was gone. It looked like he was accusing him of something... Helena had also noticed the policemen's gazes on Ricardo, and she was wondering if they didn't have reason to suspect the boy...


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