"I just want God to bless

My home that is in celebration

With the birth of who came

Enrich my modest home..."

With these simple and simple verses, one of the most beautiful country songs begins, a true ode to the family. What this beautiful poem praises is the arrival of a new member to the family, and all the love that this new being brings to the people who will be by his side during his journey through this world of God.

Every child is a divine angel sent into a family bosom. At first, it will awaken the most beautiful emotions in your family members, no matter in which social strata they are inserted. It is usually desired and awaited with love by all members of that family group. If it's a wealthy group, the new being will have all the best, and will be taken care of with all the pampering that money can provide. If your family is a little more humble, your new family will still try to provide the best they can for the little angel that arrives, so that the child has the best that those responsible can provide. But there are those who really have nothing to offer but their unconditional love. Even these will do everything to give the child who arrives in this valley of tears the best they can, doing their best to ensure that the new being has at least an acceptable reception when it is born.

Yes, I know that not every child has the privilege of being loved even before reaching our existential plane. There are those who, unfortunately, are not desired by their parents. But today I'm not going to talk about these poor creatures who already arrive in our world with a load of suffering that is often so great that we have no idea how they manage to bear it. No, today we will only talk about those who are loved by their...

It all starts when the mother-to-be has confirmation of her suspicions... a new being is being generated in her womb, the result of her love for her partner. When the future daddy receives the news from the mouth of his beloved, a thousand images come to his mind... and the two begin to make plans on how they will receive that long-awaited child for both of them. And the nausea begins, the monthly visit to the doctor, to monitor the development of that little angel who will soon be keeping the two company. And all worries start then. At each visit to the obstetrician, a question is asked about the health of the child to come. Will she come healthy? Won't you have any problems? And this doubt continues for the nine months necessary for the birth of this...

A special day is undoubtedly when the couple confirms whether the new family member will be a boy or a girl. Some couples say they don't care about who will be part of their family group, but it is certain that there is a crowd about whether it will be a boy or a girl. Not that, if the child does not correspond to the couple's initial expectation, he will cease to be loved. It's not that. After all, the only thing that really matters to both of them is that their baby comes out strong and healthy...

And during the nine months, the couple is in anticipation of what their child will be like...

It is true that the mother will suffer a lot during the waiting time, but if there is love between the couple, and it is this type of parenting that we are talking about today, the man will also suffer, not physically, since that part is reserved only for the woman. , but he will worry about his beloved throughout her journey to the big day. If the mother's concern is whether her baby will be perfect and healthy, her husband will be concerned about the integrity of mother and child. After all, how many women don't have problems with the birth of their heirs, right? And the tension will only dissipate on the day of the birth of that being long awaited by the couple...

And finally the big day arrives. Often fearful, the woman tries to postpone this moment as much as possible, but nature has its own course and does not admit delays, however much they are desired by us. And the husband leaves desperate to take his wife to the maternity ward, while she, despite being terrified by the situation, tries to calm her partner down.

Then, finally, the first roar. And the family officially gains a new member. All the tension experienced in recent months dissipates, both for her and for him. That much-desired child finally arrived, healthy, perfect... simply beautiful. The greatest expression of Divine Love is there represented by that little angel who was sent by heaven to make that family's life much happier...

It's 7:49 am on this cloudy Friday, the penultimate day of this year that is about to end! We are at 19ºC at the moment, but the temperature can increase during the day... or not, it depends on the rainfall. Anyway, it's a very beautiful day, and we have the miracle of life ahead of us, because we've been allowed to live another day. What we do with this divine gift only depends on what is in our hearts...

May God bless us all, allowing us to follow trails of Love and getting ready to walk in this life towards Celestial Paradise, when we will be together with all our loved ones who have passed away...

See you tomorrow, if God allows it, and may He grant us the best Friday we've ever had the privilege of living. May He allow us to live surrounded by Peace and Divine Love...


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