And it finally arrived.... It's 7:30 am on this beautiful Saturday, with 19ºC, forecast to reach 27, 28º... we have a partially cloudy sky, but there are good chances of not having rainfall today, especially at midnight, when we will celebrate the Birth of Our Savior, the Son of God, Jesus Nazarene. If it rains, what's the problem? After all, is there anything more blessed, with more meaning in life than water? Surely this will only make this celebration much happier...

I know that on the other side of the world Christmas is already approaching. After all, if it's almost eight in the morning here, in some places on the planet it's almost eight at night. Is it the miracle that we live in such a big world... or is it that we are too small?...

Everything in life is relative... If we are immense for some beings who share our home, we are less than an invisible particle, compared to the size of the Universe. Strange to think like that, isn't it? In a moment we consider ourselves superior to everything around us and, suddenly, we realize that we are less than nothing, if that can be possible... and, even so, we insist on behaving as if we were owners of everything around us. And we try to surpass our fellow men, so that we can accumulate riches that will be lacking for them and that will be of no use to us, since even if we accumulate all the wealth in the world, when we die we will not be able to take anything with us...

Yes, the human being is a complex and illogical being, as Mr. Spock, from Star Trek would say... some have so much - and refuse to share it with their brothers - and others, nothing... not even the basics to survive... small wars and conflicts happen all the time, in any corner of our world where at least two people are living. There will always be one who wants to overcome the other, to prove that he is better and stronger, and therefore worthy of guiding the destinies of his fellow man. And for that reason, he thinks it's fair to have possession of everything that is important for the survival of the group, deciding which part of the treasure of life each one will be entitled to receive. Is it fair? I don't know... is there really justice in the world? If so, why do some have so much while others don't even have the basics to survive? Here is a mystery that has lasted for centuries... I would say millennia... and that until today the solution has not been discovered.

It's amazing how, even talking about peace all the time, human beings seem more prepared for war. We are at all times fighting our brothers, trying to prove that we are better than them, and that we deserve the leadership of the group. When we achieve our intention and start to lead our group, our attention automatically turns to another group of similar size and, using all the available weapons at our disposal, we return to the fight to gain control of this new group and increase our influence. Exaggeration on my part? Maybe... but, I don't know... that's how the band plays all the time...

Okay. There are some altruistic people who really care about their fellow men and try to improve their lives with the few resources at their disposal. But there are also many opportunists who see in these people's desire the chance to increase their power and get more profits... and this does not depend on which group we are talking about. For no other reason, churches and foundations promote campaigns to raise funds to get food and other items for the less fortunate. Yes, there are serious groups that carry out their mission with the best of intentions. But even within these groups of selfless people, who struggle to bring a little comfort to their fellow men, there are those who seek to implode this movement from within...

Nothing can explain, for example, what drives one people to fight another. This time I'm talking about nations... why, what is the reason that leads a people to listen to their leader's megalomaniac dreams and invade someone else's house, destroying everything and killing, in the name of an ideology, however much it may seem in your eyes as right? And here there is no ideology that escapes the sieve of foolishness. It can be Christian, Muslim, to name the most well-known ideologies... but that doesn't mean that the others are better... all ideologies, when they follow the ideas of their leader, and when that leader has the objective of life " conquering the world" become extremely dangerous... in fact, I never understood this concept of "dominating the world" very well... to dominate, for what? If we can't even control our own lives, why would we want to control our brother?

I think today's date... more tomorrow than today... is the realization of a ray of hope for the world... at least the Christian, of course. When we commemorate the birth of Jesus, we renew our hopes that men will, one day, find the path of peace and put away theirs weapons, trying to live with his fellow men in an egalitarian way, sharing his bread with the hungry and not worrying about accumulating more than will be necessary for his survival and that of his loved ones. This is the hope we have in our hearts when we celebrate the arrival of the Messiah in this land so in need of hope, peace... of love!

Everyone stay with God, and may He spread His Light in our homes, allowing us to follow the path that leads to Paradise. Tomorrow, for obvious reasons, I will not be here with you. I will probably only return on the 27th, Tuesday. But my heart will stay with you... Much love and peace in everyone's lives, and may the Son of God bless you all....


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One