And speaking of longing

Where have you been?

Where do your eyes go

That we don't see...

With these verses begins one of the most beautiful songs by Toquinho and Vinicius de Moraes - "Onde anda você". It's a love song, where the persona laments the loss of a love in the past, and the search in the places where they once met. And, of course, life pushed them apart and their paths never crossed again. Will they meet one day? Only the Fates can give that answer...

As in the song above, every day life gives us encounters and disagreements. We meet a person, we start an initial relationship with him, which little by little turns into camaraderie, then friendship, sometimes love. But, just as our destiny crossed with hers, for reasons that we cannot explain, our paths often divide and we end up getting lost in the immense sea of life. And that's how it goes... new cycles, new adventures, new friendships, new loves... and when we realize it, someone who at some point was important in our history, simply disappears through the mists of inexorable time...

Our first losses start there in our childhood... our pets, our playmates...

There are, basically, two types of loss over which we have no control... not that we have control over the others, but over those there really is no way for paths to cross... not on this level, at least. The first is the visit of the one that no one wants but that everyone, sooner or later, will receive. When this arrives, the journey ends, often without the right to say goodbye or ask for forgiveness... and this should make us understand that the most important thing in life is love, no matter what happens around it. A kiss not given, a hug, a caress refused... and suddenly you never have the chance to receive them again... sometimes, for insignificant things, we move away from people who are dear to us... .and the more we distance ourselves from these, the further away we are from reconciliation. And, suddenly, all we have left is the longing for a time when we were together and happy... because the person who was once important in our lives, for a thousand reasons, was removed from our life and, nor why, embark for the other side of existence... yes, because life is just a breath, we are less than a feather floating in space...

The second is where we simply destroy the trust that someone who was very dear to us had in us. This is a feeling of no return, because if the trust placed in someone is broken, the paths will divide, each one will follow their path and it will be difficult for them to meet again. Yes, because the amalgam that unites human relationships is the trust we place in our loved ones. As children, first in our parents and siblings, as we grow older, in our playmates, when we are in our teens, in our first love, and so on. The apex of this trust is sealed with the marriage of two souls. As the Holy Book says, "what God has joined together, man must not separate..." However, for a thousand reasons, for the pitfalls scattered in our existence, many times one of the couples succumbs to the temptations of life, and ends up breaking trust that his partner once offered him.... so, someday, that person will be asking himself "where are you?"...

It's 8:10 am on this rainy Wednesday, with no prospect of sun, it's 18ºC right now, the feeling of cold is intense...

May God guide and protect us on this journey through life, and free us from all the pitfalls of the world, allowing us to choose wisely the path to the light...

May this be the best Wednesday we've ever experienced until today... may God bless us all and see you tomorrow, if he allows it...


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