This Tuesday dawned raining torrentially. It hasn't stopped yet, although it has become much calmer. At dawn it was so strong that my mother and sister, who were going to Caçapava (a city about 150 kilometers from the Capital) decided to cancel the trip. Normally I would be asked to take them, but like I said, I'm back to work today. In fact, in two hours...

This new professional year that now begins in my life is full of uncertainties and expectations. Uncertainties because, at the same time, we will lose our boss and his substitute, who will have to overcome new challenges in their professional careers. The two are being transferred from sector, deservedly promoted. And in its place, we still don't know who will take over. Whoever it is, we know that he will be a competent person, and we will hope for his success, because if he (or she) is successful, we can also evolve, right? Uncertainties because, as I think I mentioned to you, I am a civil servant and currently I work for another municipality that is not mine. I've been here a long time now...seven years, actually. But there are people who have been here much longer than I have. There's even a colleague that I won't see anymore, since she went on vacation with me and, at the end of the vacation, would retire. Well deserved rest, by the way. After all, it's been twenty-five years of stress in the agitation of the Electoral Registry, especially in election years, like this one we are in. We will miss you for sure... well, but the uncertainty is as to our fate. It's just that, after so long, the STE, the federal body that commands the autarchy we serve, is deciding whether to return us to our original bodies this year or not. Of course, if this is your decision, we don't have much to do. The problem for us is that we've been away from our original workplace for so long, it's like we're starting a new job. And, in a way, that's exactly what will happen. After all, a lot changes in a month, let alone seven years... the uncertainty is due to not knowing, at least until the end of the month, what our professional destiny will be... in short, those are the rules of the game... .

Changing the subject a bit, the neighborhood is in an uproar because of a thief who invades the houses when their residents go to work, and literally cleans them, leaving only the walls and the floor... he changes the resident for free. Too bad the resident will never find out where their belongings have moved... at this point, it's not a good idea to leave the house unattended during the day. No matter what kind of security you use to protect yourself, it doesn't stop him... well, eventually he gets caught. I hope it's soon...

By the way, public safety is chaos, isn't it? The number of cases of robberies grows alarmingly day by day. The worst part is that, as long as things continue as they are, the chances of this situation changing are minimal. The State needs to do its part, but the citizen also needs to collaborate. After all, without the citizen, there is no State. When I see the situation we find ourselves in, I remember a story from Asterix, where the ruling class of one of the various Gallic tribes, in the greatest cynicism, says that they give preference to serving their people, but that the Romans buy all their stock, then...

I think I'm not very inspired today... I'll stop here. May God give us an enlightened and happy day, allowing us to live the best day ever lived in our life. May He bless us all... Kisses and see you tomorrow...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One