Good morning, but good morning! Today the day dawned very beautiful! A radiant sun, illuminating the world, as it hadn't done in days. Yes, the weather was rainy (which is very good, because we need rain, don't we?) and the gray sky gave us an air of sadness. What a thing, no? People need the rain and think that the weather is not good when it rains. By the way, I think it's an aberration when the reporter who usually talks about the weather refers to "it's going to be a beach" or "it's not going to be a beach" when he means whether or not it's going to rain on the weekend or on a holiday, for example. It seems that the weather is only pleasant if the sun is at its peak. Only heat is acceptable. If the forecast is for rain, they usually make that sad face, as if the world was going to collapse. But, if the forecast is for dry and hot weather, images of people on the seashore look like ants, with beer in hand and celebrating the Astro-King. Nothing against it (or in favor of it), but I wanted to see these people live in a place without rain, celebrating the lack of it every day. Although people usually always want what they don't have at the moment. If we have water in abundance in the form of rain, our desire is for the drought to arrive soon. If drought dominates the environment, we look to the sky in search of the saving cloud. Ironic, isn't it?

But I'm here to talk about how beautiful the day was born, and not to criticize people because they're never happy with their present. Funny... why is it that people are never satisfied with what they have? We always expect more of what is to come, and we feel that the past has given us more than we are getting in the present. That's right, the past is only seen as "good" if, when compared with our present, we have the feeling that we have lost something with the passage of time. It could be love or anything else. Even monetary achievements are worth the comparison. But the feeling is much broader. Who has never heard the expression "in the old days things were better", for example? And this old one might not even be that old. Anyway, people use this expression to refer to everything. "In the old days people were more honest", "in the old days things were better", "in the old days, yes, we had good music, not this crap we listen to nowadays"... and so on. Funny, when the comparison refers to art... especially when it comes to music. Yes, the old songs were good... but do they all deserve that rating? Of course not. Like everything in life, there were good compositions and junk. If you turned on the radio in the seventies and tuned in to any music program, you would spend hours on end listening to crap, until a song that was really worth listening to came along. Not to mention that it was much easier to listen to foreign music than national music. In fact, to try to circumvent this difficulty that Brazilian music had in being played on broadcasters, many artists used foreign pseudonyms, composed their songs in another language and followed the road, trying to escape the "bad wolf"... We had several artists using English name (which was the language that dominated all seasons at the time), Italian (mainly due to the influence of the San Remo Festival, among others) and French. Yes, the melodies were beautiful. But as for the lyrics, who could say? After all, the people spoke, poorly and poorly, only Portuguese. It even reminds me of the story a friend once told me. She had hosted an American friend at her home. This friend didn't speak a word of Portuguese, so of course she felt a little lost, since she could only communicate with the girl I told you about. It was fashionable at the time. most decent pubs have a set up to offer live music to their customers. And when the two went to one of those little bars, there was a band performing, singing songs in English. The American was all amazed. After all, she could talk to someone else besides her friend. After some time, when the band took a break from their performance and the musicians went to rest a little, the girl decided to approach the vocalist, praising his performance on stage and trying to establish contact with him... then, your disappointment! The boy didn't understand a single word she was saying. A friend of hers came to her rescue, and explained that the band sang in English not because they were influential in the language, but because it was the fashion of the moment. That is, the boys simply repeated to exhaustion what they heard on the records, until the pronunciation was acceptable. As a parrot does, actually...

And isn't it that we have a lot of parrot in our day to day actions? Many times we catch ourselves imitating someone so that we pass as cool, well-informed people, and so on... but that's how we live in society, isn't it? We always imitate those we think understand things... even if they don't have the slightest idea of hey do... that's why life's "influencers" are so successful... after all, for you to be the leader of a group, the essential thing is that he believes that you know what you're talking about and know what you're doing... .

I would like to say more, but my time is very short... in a few minutes I have to leave for the office. But I will return to this subject at another time.

May God give us an enlightened and peace-filled Thursday, and may he allow us to accomplish everything we have planned for this day. May he pour his blessing on our heads, and may he guide us always along the path of righteousness...

Kisses to all and see you tomorrow...


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