"How are you, I need to know about your life,

Ask someone to tell me about their day

It's night, and I just need to know..."

Sometimes we end up remembering some people who passed through our lives. Good memories surface in our minds and, without even knowing why, we catch ourselves imagining what happened to them, and we wonder why our paths diverged... many times everything happened so quietly, so slowly, that when we just realized we were miles away from them. And this happens all the time in our lives... some people arrive, make a home in our heart, others simply disappear in the mist of involuntary oblivion that emerges from the depths of our soul... some separations are more traumatic, deeply hurting our soul , others simply go unnoticed, not because this relationship was not important in our lives, but simply because... I don't know, I don't have the answer...

Oh, I'm not talking about the loves of our lives... I'm not talking about boyfriends or anything like that. Do not. I'm talking about the people who make up the mosaic of our lives, the supporting actors in staging the soap opera of our existence. Yes, because each one of us lives a personal drama, where the same story is not repeated twice... the stories may even be similar, but the small details make them unique...

I think it all starts in our childhood. I don't think so. It really starts there. One day, we're all together, participating in the same game... the next, out of the blue, someone stops participating in the group... and nobody realizes it...

Weird is not it? It's as if that person's existence was simply erased from the group's collective mind... and it's not because this person wasn't important to the children who were their companions until then... but... it just happens...

So we grow... time passes. And what happened in a group, suddenly becomes individual. Our circle of acquaintances, who may or may not become friends, begins to grow. But, as with the aforementioned group, people come and go, some sticking by our side, others simply disappearing into the mists of time. Sometimes we catch ourselves thinking... "but where did so-and-so go? What happened to so-and-so?" Yes, without really knowing why, we suddenly found ourselves, surprised, discovering that people who had some importance on the stage of our lives simply retreated to the wings and left us alone to continue with the show, because this one cannot stop...

And we become adults... and the back and forth of the supporting actors beside us continues. People come and go, enter and leave our lives, without us realizing this fact. All are important for the construction of our history. Some play a more prominent role, others enter the stage without any speech, just with their presence. But everyone has an important role to play in our story... but we only realize that when we think about the person, we realize that we have no idea what happened to them, and we are left wondering..."how are you?" ?..."

It's 7:40 this cold and rainy morning (a fine drizzle is falling, which leaves this feeling of cold), we are at 18ºC, with no expectations of elevation during the afternoon. Later I have a meeting at school... it's the last one of the year, I'm going to get my little one's report card. And I have to buy a new keyboard for my desktop, because this one is just awful, I can't write properly with it...

May God give us a beautiful and wonderful day, and may this be the best Monday we've ever had in our lives... May God bless us all... see you tomorrow, if He allows us to...


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