Memories, why don't you run away from me

Help get this pain out of your chest

Take away my thoughts and yours

Because let's relive this love...

With these verses begins one of the most beautiful country songs, sung by Zé Fortuna and Pitangueira. By the way, "Lembrança" was written by Zé Fortuna, one of the greatest poets of the sertão songbook. No, I'm not remembering any past love. I just woke up with this melody in my head today. By the way, lately, many of the songs I listened to in my childhood insist on cropping up in my mind. Well, they say remembering is living, right? And let's remember "Mágoas de boiadeiro", "Pingo d'água", "Disco voador"... in fact, the latter was sung by the duo Palmeira and Biá. I don't remember at the moment who wrote these lyrics, but it's a very beautiful song, where the author compares technological advances as an attempt by man to become equal to God... and in the end he reminds us that nobody is more powerful than our creator and that, yes, there may be life on other planets spread across this divine infinity. And his statement comes from a very simple comparison... if those who have a child can have more children, the Lord can also have other worlds! Can you dispute that statement? I do not think so...

Sometimes I catch myself thinking what a person who lived at the beginning of the last century would think of our society today, if he suddenly woke up in the middle of this madness that is our life today. First that he would not recognize the very place in which he lived. People who are watching things move forward don't get that...

Although I was born in the interior - I come from the city of Taubaté, in the Paraíba Valley, in the interior of São Paulo - I came to Santo Amaro... on the outskirts of the Capital... when I was two years old. And since then I remain in the same place. I love my neighborhood, I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. Of course, my children don't share this feeling of mine, but this is where I grew up, I learned my first letters, I grew up, I got my first job, I met my better half, I got married, our children came... well, many things have changed during all this time. time. The peaceful village in the interior has been changing over time. The forests and open spaces gave way to buildings of all kinds, from the humblest to those of people with more possessions. The dirt streets were gaining asphalt and the vegetation was, little by little, disappearing. The streams that crossed the entire region were being grounded in the name of progress. Wild animals were, little by little, becoming extinct in the region. Yes, I cannot recognize here as the place where I grew up, the stage where I played with the children who grew up with me. Many of them have already left for the other plane, some still at an early age, others with a little more advanced time. But I can say that, from that group that lived with me in my childhood, I am one of the last ones still around...

Close to my house, where I live since my childhood, there was a big calypalus. It was a very beautiful thing. When the trees expelled their seeds, which were scattered on the ground, people picked them up, enchanted by their chalice shape. And we played with these, traveling through the imagination, transforming them into a thousand beautiful things... yes, it was very beautiful. And I have already mentioned the perfume that the trees gave off when the east wind came towards the west, spreading that delicious smell through the air. You can't explain it, only those who have lived close to a forest can understand its beauty...

I already commented here that I live close to the dam. And that when he went to school, he passed by the various streams that flowed into the dam. Some of these brooks, as they approached their destination, became streams of a reasonable size. And they weren't very shallow. Not infrequently, many people lost their lives in the streams for not respecting them. Myself, I almost embarked for Hades ahead of time by sheer luck and my cousin's presence of mind. It had rained and the whole floor was kind of slippery. We took our normal path to school and, as usual, jumped over a creek that got in our way. My cousins jumped without any problems. When I went to do the same, I slipped on the banks of the little river and fell like a sack of potatoes in cold water. Of course I freaked out. I never learned to swim. I think I surfaced once, when I surfaced the second time, my cousin grabbed me by the hair. It was my luck. Aided by my cousin, she managed to rescue me from the water. My notebooks are gone. But I stayed alive...

This cousin of mine is still among us, but my cousin has long since embarked on Charon's ship. She moved to another region and I haven't seen her for a long time. But that's life, a constant change, where today people are together, happy and confident in the future and, suddenly, each one leaves for his destiny, because there are few people who share the same destiny. Anyway...

Well, I'll stop here... of course I still have a lot to talk about... but time doesn't stop. It is dynamic and does not allow us to set our own pace, we have to adapt to it. And today I have a lot of pending things to do...

Tomorrow, at least in principle, I won't have time to write... it's a pity! But, if it's not possible to be here tomorrow, Saturday I'll be back, full as always... Now it's ten to eight in the morning, it's 17ºC and there's no prospect of the sun getting hot today. Probably the day will be cold like yesterday...

Everyone stay with God, and if He allows it, Saturday I'll be back here. May this Thursday be the most beautiful and wonderful of all the ones we've ever experienced. May God bless us all... Kisses...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One