Chapter Twelve

 - It's Jurupari...

It was Torquato, talking to Juvencio. He had just arrived from his village, and when he learned that the Federal Delegate wanted to talk to him, he went directly to the police station, where he found him. And he expounded his ideas ...

- But... Torquato... as far as I know, that's not Jurupari's way of acting...

- Please, listen to me, "Mr. Juvêncio... it's the Jurupari that is attacking people... and he will only stop when he has achieved his objective...

- What would it be?...

-That I don't know, Chief... Jurupari is a devil, so we never know what his intentions are...

- Well, that doesn't help much...

- You wanted to know what was attacking people...

- Yes...

- Well, that's it...

- Thanks, Torquato... does anyone else share your opinion?

- The Pajé from my village... and Pai João, a pai de santo here in the village...

- Thanks again... I'm going to talk to this pai de santo... then will you take me to your pajé?

- I don't know if he'll be able to take care of you so soon... he's taking care of my father...

- I heard he's sick... I appreciate his improvement...

- Thank you, doctor...

And Juvêncio left the police station, heading for the center of town. Now he had something to think about. Of course, it didn't help much... but at least it shed some light on the things that were happening in the region... Jurupari... I had already heard stories about this mythical monster from the Tupi nation... but the stories told came from more than above... the rubber region, the Amazon... could it be...

Juvêncio went to the boarding house where he was staying. It was lunchtime, and he liked to think while he ate his meal. and soon he was in front of a nice plate of rice, beans, a steak, fries and a delicious lettuce salad. And he soon started attacking his plate, while trying to organize his ideas...

After much thought (and the meal was over), he decided that it would be time to look for Pai João... funny how that name was common among former slaves... and they were usually followers of the old religion, which had mixed with Catholicism and the beliefs of the natives of the land... this Pai João was one of the many with that name who was a priest of the ancient religion. Well, surely he could help clarify some things about Torquato's certainty about who was responsible for the attacks...

Half an hour later Juvêncio dismounted in front of a simple shack. The owner of the house came to welcome him and invited him in. Nhá Maria was finishing making some coffee... its perfume was wafting through the air... and she was finishing frying some manioc flour cakes. Juvêncio sat in the chair where Pai João indicated, while his host sat opposite him. And they began to talk about small things, before getting to the subject that really interested him. After a while, Nhá Maria brought a plate with the delicacies he had just prepared. After breakfast, Pai João invited Juvêncio to take a walk around the yard. and as they walked, they got on to the subject that really interested our friend.

- What can you tell me about Jurupari, Father?

- Jurupari... I think we can call him Exú... it's very similar...

- Like this?

- The Jurupari, like the Exú are creatures that can either do good or evil... but that's not their essence...

- Like this?

- Well, both one and the other do evil or good... it depends on the situation.

-And do you think he was the cause of the attacks that the region is suffering?

-He is a mystical entity, that's a fact... but I don't think he is Jurupari or Exú...

- And why not, Father?

- Because it's not their style to act... someone opened the gates of hell... but this entity is not common among us...

- And why do you think that?

- My son... this creature kills its victim and takes its blood...

- But we have entities that do that...

- Yes, I know... but not like that... I don't know any creature from our pantheon that has that way of acting...

- So, we can forget about Jurupari...

- It's the wisest thing to do... and look for the entity in another corner...

They talked a little longer, where Pai João explained the synchronisms between religions. So Juvencio said goodbye to the old man, mounted his horse and returned to the village. While he was riding, he was debugging the information received from Preto Velho. Yes, Father John was right, the entity he was attacking was undoubtedly some entity alien to the earth. So his investigative bias would have to change... from now on he would start investigating people who had recently arrived from other lands... but... what if the cause of all this was a son of the land who had just learned from someone how to invoke certain mystical energies... and unwittingly release some power that you didn't count on? It wasn't a rare thing to happen... eople who have never worked with magic, suddenly decide to do an enchantment and, unintentionally, release forces that should be imprisoned forever....

Riding slowly, enjoying nature... there went our friend, mulling over everything he had heard from Pai João. He knew the old man was right, but... it was a feline that had attacked people... and the Jurupari could not transform it. up on a feline? Thinking about it that way, it wasn't possible to detach Torquato's theory... although, as Pai had told him, that wasn't the entity's way of acting... but do we really know how mystical entities act on the earthly plane? Alright, from what Father explained, this entity was a messenger, who saw no difference between good and evil, who acted according to what the shaman requested... but... what if someone, for some reason had asked precisely that to the entity? People often ask absurd things from the forces of the beyond to take revenge for some situation that they consider outrageous for themselves or their loved ones... could that be the case... "no", thought Juvêncio, "it's better not to think about that situation, or will I start to distrust the whole world... after all, who hasn't been in a situation where they might want to take revenge on the world?" And so, he arrived at the village police station...


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