THE CRYSTAL CUP chapter seventy two


chapter seventy two

Mary was surrounded on all sides. Strangely calm despite the situation. How could he be so reckless? Juvêncio's words had been very clear... she and her partners should never be separated during their missions, because that union was the source of her strength. Well, she didn't want to listen and now she was in that situation... she checked her ammo... she still had about thirty rounds left... then it would have to be in the arm, but she had no illusions of success. Why? Simple... by the shots, there should be at least eight, nine opponents... and she was alone. She might even defeat an aggressor or two if they came clean-handed, which she was sure they wouldn't... but even if that were the case, the rest would surely overwhelm her and then... come to think of it, even that it would be less painful if she got shot… at least she wouldn't be subjected to abuse… well, anyway, this wasn't the time to think about that… no. Now the most important thing was to hide the medallion somewhere... Juvêncio had been very clear about that... in an extreme case, hide the piece, so that it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. And, between one shot and another, Maria watched her surroundings, looking for a good hiding place for the artifact ... finally she spotted a small tree almost beside her ... it had a recess that looked like the burrow of some small animal. She had no doubts...she hid her ornament as best she could in the hole in the tree, and continued to shoot. Her rifle was out of ammunition, she didn't have any more loads to replace… her revolvers had exactly five rounds…. after that… well, she didn't even want to think about it. And she didn't, really. He left the protection he was in and ran across the open field, shooting at the closest opponents... he managed to hit two of his attackers, but almost at the same time his body shuddered, hit as it was by the projectiles that came from all sides. .. she still had the strength to fire the remaining three shots, taking one more of the enemies with her, but then she fell lifeless, as she was hit in the head by one of the last shots she heard... her last vision of our world was a dahlia red, when her body fell on it... and her blood mixed with the sap of the flower... yes, Maria left... and left her partners unprotected! How could she be so careless?

Cecilia looked Ricardo in the eyes. On his countenance, no fear of what might happen. She took a step forward, leaving her sisters a little way behind her. Ricardo continued to point the gun at his ex... spoke disconnected words, blaming her for all his ills. Cecilia continued to stare at him, head high. Even though it was night, the two could see each other clearly thanks to the public lighting, which left the place as bright as if it were day. Calmly, slowly, Cecilia walked towards her ex, who did not notice this action by the girl, such was her drunken state. The two sisters were also walking towards the boy, each on a different side. Slowly, slowly, they approached it. He didn't notice the girls' maneuver for two good reasons... he was focused on Cecília, on whom he deposited all his anger, his hatred, and he was drunk, which made his judgment very compromised. Of course, that didn't make him any more harmless, after all he was pointing a loaded and unlocked gun at the girl... and at any moment he could fire a shot.

Ricardo continued to mistreat his ex, in a loud voice. The words he spoke were harsh, they hurt Cecília's ego. But she managed to remain calm, because she knew that if she let herself be involved by the boy's words, she would be lost, she would have no way out. In order to get out of that situation without getting hurt, she would have to remain calm. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed her sisters' maneuver, and sighed in relief. She knew she had to keep the boy focused on her figure. Which wouldn't be difficult, given her current state. But, you know how it is... you can never count on the uncertain, the imponderable... any thoughtless action could unleash hell on earth... and that was not Cecília's desire, nor that of her sisters...

Cecília was already very close to the boy... about three meters, at most. She knew the closer she got, the more careful she had to be. After all, she was closer to the gun, and as a result, if he pulled the trigger, she would be hit for sure. And she had no desire to end her night, at best, in a hospital... cautiously checking the position of her sisters, the girl realized that it was time to talk to her attacker... it would be a distraction maneuver , where she would buy time for the girls to act. They had been at this game for about ten minutes. And Cecilia knew she didn't have much time to reverse the situation… she would have to play her cards right now.  But... what would she talk about? What could disrupt your attacker? It would have to be something that messed with his head, that disoriented him, even for a few seconds... enough for her or her sisters to disarm this imbecile, before something irreversible happened...

- Ricardo, don't you think about your daughter?

-What about her, her...?

- You can curse me all you want... words don't hurt...

- Of course not... your present, which will really hurt you, like you hurt me... is here, oh...

And Ricardo, with his left hand, points his finger at the gun, which he holds with his right.

- And how I hurt you, could you explain to me?

- You traded me for another...

- Me what?!

- It's no use trying to deceive me... I know you have another man in your life...

- Ricardo, you left home with another family already formed, not me...

- I...

- And that's why I repeat... stop being silly, put that gun down... Think of your little girl...

- Leave Letícia out of this, you... you have to wash your mouth with soap to talk about my girl!

Helena and Estela managed to position themselves right behind the boy, who was so focused on Cecília, he hadn't noticed the girls' maneuver... Helena made a sign for Cecilia to continue distracting her ex... a few steps separated the girls from their objective. Now that everything was coming to an end, the girl was starting to get tense. But she knew that if she didn't stay calm, things might not end well for her... as it didn't for her great-grandmother... funny how, suddenly, this thought came into her head... and she saw Maria falling over in battle, and understood why he found the medal that day... he was just recovering something he had kept a long time ago, because she was, in fact, the reincarnation of his great-grandmother... strange thought to have at a time like this ... perhaps it was the fear of dying that had made her have that vision... which was fleeting, but which for her lasted an eternity... Cecília could not understand the relationship between her situation and that of the dream, which insisted on to hammer your imagination...and frankly, now wasn't the best time to be having that kind of thought...

The action that unfolded was very fast... Helena made a sign to Cecília, who threw herself to the side, while her sisters attacked Ricardo, trying to disarm him... the three rolled on the ground and the gun went off, but luckily it didn't hit any of those present. Helena hit Ricardo with a punch in his face, while Estela kicked him in the netherlands... needless to say, the boy was completely helpless, immobilized by the three... a police car was approaching, triggered by one of the neighbors who noticed what was happening in front of Helena's house... the boy was handcuffed and everyone went to the police station to register the occurrence. They spent the rest of the night giving evidence. When the police chief read what Ricardo said, he couldn't stop laughing... according to the young man's account, he was attacked by three cowgirls, who had weapons at their waists...

A week after the incident... yes, Ricardo was arrested for attempted murder... but he left the next morning, as the judge thought it best to let him go free until the trial, since there were no fatal victims... The three sisters were gathered at Helena's house, who broke the not-so-good news to Cecília and Estela... yes, the three were the reincarnation of a group that had been active since the beginning of time... serious threat was about to befall the Earth... and they would have to prevent... the name of the group? "Walkuren"...


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