LOVE - Part two

 LOVE - Part two

Last week I spoke about lived love... the one that can give us infinite joy or endless sadness, depending on the case. After all, loving someone is no guarantee of happiness. That's because there are a thousand ways to love yourself... strange, isn't it? Speaking like that, it seems that the act of loving can be seen in many different ways... and you know what's the worst? This is a truth that we don't want to admit, but that is part of our lives. Of course, we have in mind that beautiful and wonderful love of fairy tales, where two people meet and, after comings and goings, stay together and live happily ever after... this is our ideal love. But, unfortunately, it doesn't exist... it would be nice if it did, wouldn't it? Have you ever thought how cool it would be, you next to the person you love, and happiness living in your home, without quarrels, without disagreements... without misunderstandings. Wow, that would be Heaven on Earth, wouldn't it? But... as much as you love the person you chose to live by your side, that doesn't happen. It's because? Damn, you love this person with a passion, they would give their life for you... and still things go downhill every now and then... why? If we love each other so fervently, if we can't stay away from each other, why then do quarrels happen, often distancing the couple who loved each other so much in the beginning?

To answer this question, we have to think a little, analyze how people act and react. The first thing we have to keep in mind is that we are constantly changing... evolving or involuting, depending on the case. Every second we live we are a new person. Our perspective on life changes, our dreams and desires transform. What was of paramount importance in my life a moment ago may mean nothing to me a few hours from now. Why, all of a sudden, it may have lost all the meaning I thought it had... and I discover that it wasn't as interesting as I imagined. And then there's a little problem, which complicates things even more for us... this fickle concept applies to everything in our lives... including the people around us, including the person who lives next to us. It is for no other reason that some people keep falling in love with people other than their partners. That's why many spouses cheat on their peers. But you know what's funnier about all this, although it's really tragic? It's just that, as much as the person looks for someone else outside their "normal relationship", the profile of their new passion will be very similar to the one that already lives by their side. Sometimes, though not always, even the biotype of both objects of desire, the old and the new passion, are similar. But, if the biotype is different, be sure... the other characteristics will be very similar. That's because we always tend to try to relate to people who have some characteristics that we like... it's not for any other reason that, every now and then, you hear someone complain that "men are all the same" or "women are all the same "... depends on who's complaining. It's not that people of this or that gender are all the same... they're not. It's just that, as I said above, your tendency is to choose to be by your side someone who has certain characteristics that you like. And then you will always be next to the same type of person, with the same problems as in the previous relationship...


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