LOVE Part Three

 LOVE Part Three

Well, as I've said before, LOVE is a complex thing. So complex that what separates LOVE from HATE are small details, so insignificant, that they escape a more superficial analysis. But it's LOVE we're talking about, so let's get back to it. Today I'm going to talk about a stage in life that most people aspire to. I'm going to talk about the first objective of dating between two people who know each other, who like each other... that is, MARRIAGE. Okay, not everyone who starts a relationship with someone else has the objective of getting married... after all, life as a couple is not for everyone, since it requires self-denial, commitment... and many people are not ready to give up your intimacy and share it with someone else. Some even move forward despite going against their instincts... and most of the time, their relationship goes downhill... not because she doesn't try to save their union, but because she wasn't meant to be attached to someone else "forever"...

The union of a couple has as main objective the perpetuation of the species, this is taken for granted, even though many people shout against it. Again we return to the observation above... marriage is not for everyone. And now I'm going to say something that, I'm sure, many people will hate, criticize and so on... real marriage only exists between two people of different sexes. And it is only consummated when their descendants are born from this union. That is... when two people of different sex unite, but from this union there are no descendants, this union can be called whatever you want, less than marriage. Because it was actually never consummated. If the two people in question belong to the same sex, well, I don't even need to finish the thought... after all, two equals can't produce a descendant. "Oh, but I can do artificial insemination", a lesbian might claim, or "I can pay a woman to be my surrogate", a gay man might say. Okay... nothing for or against. But this child, generated in an unconventional way, is not the result of the union of the two people in question. They may love her unconditionally, but that child is not the offspring of love between these two people. That is, as much as they claim that she is the fruit of their love, in fact it is not... as much as the characters in question do not want to admit it, they will always be linked to someone other than their partners.

Why am I saying this, even though I know that the vast majority will disagree and some more daring will even make slightly heavier comments? Because this is an indisputable truth of life. Leave on a lonely island, isolated from the world, a group of women only and on another island a group of men only. And may these two groups never meet. And don't leave any technological means within reach of these two groups either. At the end of that generation there will be no survivors in either group. Why? Simple, as I said before... two equals don't reproduce... it's nothing against any group... it's just biology following its natural course...

"Oh, you're homophobic"... not at all. I am not, in this text, discussing genres. I'm talking about marriage and its purpose. And what is the primary purpose of a marriage? I repeat again... the perpetuation of the species. And what does this have to do with LOVE? Everything... after all, without LOVE, the attraction between two people of different sex does not exist. And love, in this case, can take a thousand and one forms, it doesn't matter. It can be a simple attraction, a strong passion, it can even be a soft form of LOVE, why not? What matters to NATURE is that these two individuals meet, mate and, from this mating, a descendant is born. If they will stay together, if they will be happy forever, if they will take care of their offspring with affection, that doesn't matter to NATURE. What it does is that life follows its course and there are conditions for the species to perpetuate itself... the rest... is a mere consequence!


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