Chapter Ten


Izabel was sitting on the edge of the bed, thoughtful. It was already late at night, her husband and children were sleeping, a deep sleep. But she woke up, and she couldn't go back to sleep. Her mind suddenly started to run wild, bringing back memories she thought she'd long forgotten. Her wedding, for example... she didn't even remember her wedding day anymore. And suddenly... everything came back as if by magic. And the day her father decided to leave? As far as she could remember, in her entire life there had not been a single day when her father had been absent from home without him having a date to return. But that day...

It must have been six o'clock in the afternoon, more or less...the sun was still high, as it was a summer afternoon. The ambient temperature was cool, not very... but the shade of the trees absorbed the heat of the sun... Zacarias saddled his bay, arranged his gear, straightened his hide. His belt with the two revolvers was properly buckled, as well as his rifle was stowed in the saddle holster. Apparently, he was going to do a survey somewhere. But that wasn't the case, not this afternoon. His wife and children were all gathered in front of the house. The look of sadness was stamped on everyone's face. Zacarias embraced his sons one by one, gave them his blessing. Finally, he hugged his wife, who was trying hard not to cry. Zacarias spoke something in her ear, a semblance of a smile formed on the woman's face. But the sad, hopeless air did not leave her. Her companion of so many years was inconsolable, but she knew that her husband had to go. Ever since they got together she knew this day would come. And finally, she arrived. Zacarias looked at the road, showing a little impatience... he had two more people he had to say goodbye to... it was Izabel and her husband. Yes, Izabel was already married at that time. And, yes, she stopped being simply Maria, to be called now by her middle name.

It didn't take long and Izabel and her husband, Juca, arrived at the girl's father's house. Zacarias hugged his son-in-law and gave him some instructions. What he said? Nobody, you know, since he called him into a private corner and they stayed for a long time talking. After finishing the conversation with his son-in-law, Zacarias called his daughter...

- Maria...

- You know nobody calls me that anymore, Dad...

- I know... you're a woman now...

- Yeah... I think I grew up a little...

- And the baby?

- I left it with the nanny... it was too hot to bring it with me...

- I see... daughter...

- What is it, Dad?

- I think you're the only one who knows why I'm leaving...

- No... should I know?

Zacarias was silent for a few seconds... then Izabel had also forgotten what had happened... in a way, that was good... she wouldn't be distressed at every change of moon, every change of season... and that was it. I would wake up when I was supposed to wake up.

- Daughter, all I can say is that I have to leave...

- You already said that yesterday... and last week, too... you just didn't say why!

- When the time is right, you'll understand. Remember that delegate... Juvêncio?

- Yes... he returned to the Capital, didn't he?

- Yes... but he will return... and he will summon you...

- How it is?

- When the time comes, you will help the delegate to solve a problem...

- Father...

- And truth. I told you that your life would change, and it shouldn't take long...

- Are you all right?

- Of course... I'm just telling you some things that will happen.

Zacarias reaches into his pocket and takes out a package, which he hands to his daughter...

- You will only open this package when the time comes. Not a minute before... you understand?

- In truth no...

- Don't worry... when the time comes, you'll know...

- Dad, if I didn't know that you never drink, I'd say you're on fire...

- Daughter, pay attention to what I'm telling you...

- Dad, you're not talking like that... what's in that package?

- It's not time for you to know... not yet.

- But now he's mine...

- Yes...

- So what's stopping me from opening it?

- Your responsibility. You know the time hasn't come yet...

- You know I still don't understand...

Zacharias shrugged. He knew that there would be no point in continuing that conversation, as the principal had already spoken. Now it was time to trust her daughter's common sense and follow her destiny. The two returned to the group, he said goodbye to everyone again, mounted his bay and left at a slow pace... little by little, he disappeared into the horizon.

Yes, that was a sad day for Izabel's family... and that was the last time she saw her father. In the first days, the pain of the loss was great... but as time went by, the family came to terms with it. And there came a time when the patriarch was just a fading memory. His mother never explained to her children why Zacarias had to leave. When no one was around, she would shed her tears for her husband, but if someone was around, she quickly recovered. No son caught her lamenting her luck. She always had a smile on her face... a sad smile, it's true... but... a smile is a smile, isn't it?

Izabel got out of bed and went to the kitchen to drink some water. As she walked towards the room, she felt the entire structure change. And, suddenly, she was walking in a green, flowery, illuminated field. She didn't understand what was going on. Further ahead, she noticed two silhouettes walking in the same direction as her, each coming from a different direction. By her reckoning it wouldn't take long for them to find each other, so she continued to walk leisurely, taking her time... she could soon find out who the people in question were. About five minutes of walking later the three people met. And what was their surprise when they realized that they were the three friends from past adventures... and the strangest thing... they were dressed in their cowgirl clothes, belt, guns, whip and everything else. The surprise on the faces of the three was legitimate. After all, whatever was going on, there was nothing normal about it...

- Rose...

- Hey, Grace...

- Mary... the...

- Maria, no, Graça... now it's just Izabel...

- Where are we?

- I don't know... I was going to the kitchen, to drink some water... and you?

- I was sleeping in my bed... suddenly I woke up here...

- I was walking around the city... I was going to catch a tram to go home... and suddenly...

- Girls, this is definitely not normal...

- No, it's not...

- Look, I'm very happy to see you again, Graça... but, honestly, this wasn't how I expected to see you again...

- I don't think any of us do, do you, Rose?

- Absolutely...

And the three of them just stood there, looking at each other, trying to understand what was going on...


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