LOVE - Part four

 LOVE - Part four

I believe that my last text about love did not please everyone. Nor was that the intention. Even because the subject at hand is somewhat thorny. After all, we all have our own view of what is right or wrong in our lives. And, as I've stated many times, this vision is unique to each person. No two points of view are exactly alike on the same subject. Even if it is in minimal, microscopic details, there will always be some difference. And this is normal. After all, as the ancients said, "each head, a sentence"...

There is, in our life, a vast extension of types of love... and many times we get confused when we try to understand them. I will try to list a few that I remember, although there are many more types than I will list...

We started with the first one, the most important thing in our lives... after all, without this one, our initial subsistence simply wouldn't exist... it's mother's love, of course. "Ah, but my mother is toxic, she never gave me her love", "my mother abandoned me when I was a baby, I never knew her"... and other phrases that we hear during our lives by people who had the misfortune of not having a good relationship with your mother in your early childhood... but who said that maternal love is exclusive to the one who, in one way or another, gave you life? Yes, I know that not all women are ready to be mothers... and that's nature. For a thousand reasons a woman can get pregnant, give birth to her offspring and simply abandon him after childbirth... but until we know why she acted like that, we shouldn't condemn her. After all, she allowed you to be born, didn't she? How many other future children had their birth interrupted during the gestational journey? As you can see, it's not such an easy subject to discuss...

But we are talking about maternal love, not the woman who, after giving birth, abandons her baby... maternal love can be offered in a thousand ways.

Well, the child has arrived in this world and the mother receives him with great affection, takes care of him, protects him from everything and everyone, taking care that, as far as possible, his offspring has all the conditions to grow up happy and healthy. As far as your possibilities, I said. This mother will do everything possible and impossible for her son or daughter to grow up in a happy environment, trying to meet all her primary needs. Of course, it's not always possible, but it certainly won't be that mother's fault. This is the best of all worlds... the child came into the world and the mother welcomed her with open arms, making sure she had all the attention she needed...

But things aren't always that simple, are they? There are thousands of possibilities that can prevent a child from enjoying the mother's maternal love. And the cruelest possibility is, without a doubt, the one in which the Unnamable One, the one who sooner or later visits everyone, decides to take the mother-to-be at the moment when she brings her greatest treasure into the world... and then, what will this child? Will she be deprived of maternal love? Of course...

If that child manages to stay in the bosom of his original family, even with the absence of his mother, he will still be fine, because in a way his mother will be taking care of him, even if through his relatives. But life has its whims and often these children end up being interned in institutions specialized in taking care of those little ones who, for one reason or another, were deprived of their original family. So will she be left without maternal care? Of course. First, they will be cared for by professionals who, even though they are paid for it, will give the child all the necessary care so that he or she can overcome early childhood. It's not ideal, but it's what she has... besides, no one gives love just because they're being paid for it... those who work in the area do it because they really love children and try to take care of them as well as possible... Of course, sometimes this care is less than desired, but not because of the latter, but because of the working conditions, which are not always satisfactory... is an orphanage a warehouse for children waiting for a new mother, a new father? Often, yes, but not because the professionals who work there don't take care of the children as they should, but because they don't always get the necessary resources to welcome them as desired...

Well... let's assume that, after a long wait, this child manages to captivate a couple and is adopted. She got a new mom and will have all the care that every child deserves. And, even if it takes some time to get used to the new family, the care received will make this child love his new parents so intensely....

Now let's talk about other types of maternal love, okay? The mother is alive, she takes care of her offspring, but for one reason or another, she cannot offer the love that the child needs. She is even present, she just can't be the hand that warms the cradle... will this child be without her maternal love? Of course. Someone in your family group will take on that role for sure. The affection, the pampering, the caresses that he would normally receive from his mother will come from another member of the family. It could be the father... there are many fathers who give more maternal love to their children than mothers, even if people don't want to recognize this situation... it could be the aunt, uncle, often the grandmother or grandfather (more common than desirable, in this hustle and bustle of the modern world)... it doesn't matter who, but someone will welcome that child in your lap, give you a kiss on your dodoi, hug you when the night has not so beautiful dreams, give you hand when she is rehearsing her first steps in life... yes, that child may not even remember in the future, but even if her mother, for a thousand reasons, is unable to give her the affection she deserves, someone will fulfill that role, not abandoning her at any point in her life, giving her all the support she needs so that she can grow up happy and healthy and can face life...


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