Chapter Twenty-Eight

- Juca...

- What happened, Belinha?

- You know, when I was on the train...

- What's the matter?

- I slept... and dreamed...

- The trip is long... it's normal to sleep... what did you dream about?

- With the first time I met Graça... can you believe it?

- I think so... but you could have dreamed of me, right?

Izabel threw her pillow at Juca, laughing...

- We don't choose what we dream about...

- Yes, I know... especially when you don't like the other person very much...

She became serious, stopped laughing. She was sitting on the bed, looked at her partner…

- Why do you say that?

- But isn't it true, Belinha?

- I like you...

- I believe... like a brother!

- We don't have children with siblings.

- You understood me.

- Juca... you know how I am...

- I know! And if I ever get home and don't see you anymore, it won't be a surprise...

- Why?

- Because you are more connected to your friends than to me or our children...

- Stop talking nonsense, man! I haven't seen Rosa in a long time! And Graça... I needed a favor from her.

- I know, Belinha... but it's like I said... you're more connected to these two than to Mario or Soninha... or to me...

Izabel was quiet. She knew her husband was right. She did not feel any kind of affinity with her family. During the four days she was out of town, she didn't once think about any of them. On the other hand, she never stopped thinking about Graça and Rosa. But of course she wasn't going to admit it...

Juca also decided not to make any further comments. She knew he was right, but she also knew that there would be no point in arguing with her wife. It was better to continue as they were. The problem is that the children also felt this distance from their mother. Not even on weekends did she spend time with them. The person who played her role on a daily basis was her younger sister, Cecília. So much so that the children even called her mother...

Their marriage was never that marriage. From the beginning they were distant, even though they lived under the same roof. On her honeymoon she was doing the math and checking what would be the best place to found her store. She didn't spend a single day with her husband on their wedding trip to Campos de Jordão. Although the boy loved that piece of land, the girl always asked him why, instead of going to the land of tuberculosis and alcoholics, they didn't travel to the Federal Capital, Rio de Janeiro... or, at least, to São Paulo... .

Despite all this, nine months later Soninha was born. and a year and a half later, Mário came. But she was never a very present mother...

As soon as the sheltering was over and Izabel threw herself into work... this in relation to both births. Although she had created two lives, she felt no connection with them. But she didn't feel guilty...

Although her marriage was just a facade, Izabel had a certain affection for Juca. But if they asked why she married him, she wouldn't know how to answer. This was because she herself had no idea why she had taken this step... Yes, they had been married for about five, six years, they had two beautiful children, they enjoyed a certain financial stability... but if they asked the girl if was happy in her life, she didn't have an answer. And this ended up making the boy unhappy, as he couldn't understand why his wife didn't have him as a priority in her life... first and foremost was the company. Then he mentioned his friends, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. and not a word about him or the children...

He only accepted the situation without complaining after his father-in-law, seeing that their union was struggling, took him aside to talk. He still remembered. It was a spring night. Zechariah was going to guide a delegation from one city to another and called him to accompany him. At first he was reluctant, but his father-in-law was a man who knew how to convince. And during work, Zacarias talked to the boy and explained everything that he had not been able to understand until then...

The two were taking care of one of the herd's flanks and dismounted for the night. Zacarias then, after distributing guard shifts among the peonada, invited the boy to walk a little, stretch their legs before surrendering to the sleep of the righteous...

- You and Bel are having problems...

- No way... I love your daughter.

- That's not what I said... I said you're in trouble.

- Why do you think that?

- I'm not blind, boy... I see what's happening around me... and I see that you two are getting further apart every day...

- It's not my fault, Mr. Zacarias... I love your daughter.

- But she doesn't love you, you can tell.

- What can I do?

- Anything. You got married because she needed to bear your children... they will play an important role in the future....

- I don't understand...

- It is not necessary to understand... just know that all the angels will be watching over you...

- And..?

- And the day will come when she will leave you and your children and leave together with her friends to fulfill her mission...

- So she's...

-No, she has no idea what her real role is in the game of life....

- But...

- All I ask of you, during this time, is that you be patient...

- Okay, but...

- Did you understand what you have to do?

And from then on it became clear to Juca that he was a simple pawn, who should help his queen in everything her missions required. And because of that, he lived in his wife's shadow.

And now, looking at Izabel... what a crazy desire to hug her and cover her with kisses... but she knew that she wasn't allowed... after all, the girl didn't feel anything for him...

Juca sighed, as if to chase away his most intimate desires. He turned over in bed and closed his eyes. He was awake, but he wanted the woman to think she had already fallen asleep. Izabel continued sitting on the bed a little longer. Then she leaned over her husband and gave him a kiss on the forehead, and then turned to the other side and was hugged by Morpheus' arms...


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