Chapter Twenty-Six

It was ten o'clock in the morning. Izabel was at the reception of Companhia Taubaté Industrial, waiting to be attended to by the person responsible for delivering orders. She had ordered a batch of Amorim two weeks ago and until now she had not received the pieces. And its stock was running out. If she did not receive the ordered farm lot soon, she would not be able to fulfill some commitments made, and this would be detrimental to her store. Some of the ladies in the region had placed orders for some party dresses to be made, and that was really important to her. Her store had a certain reputation and she didn't want to see it tarnished for not being able to fulfill her contracts, even if it wasn't her fault.

When Ezequiel finally arrived, he came face to face with Izabel. Upon seeing her face, he soon realized that he was going to have a difficult conversation with the client. What had happened... Comercial Gebrüder Hering, located in Blumenau, had had a problem with one of its suppliers and had a large order to deliver... and asked for help from the country's main textile mills, in order to meet its immediate needs. CTI, from time to time, enjoyed some favors from Hering, and this was a two-way street. Although Izabel's company was a loyal customer, having already had a relationship for some time, there was no way it could compare with Hering. And not only her, but several small clients were left aside so that the southern company could be served. Of course, Ezequiel didn't tell his client this, he couldn't say that... he invented a story, saying that there was a problem with the suppliers of cotton, raw material for his company... and promised that he would do everything in his power so that the customer could be served as quickly as possible, even though this was an empty promise...

When Juca saw his wife arriving, he was worried. She looked unfriendly, which signaled that she had not had good news during her foray into the factory. The girl entered, walked past everyone in the store's lobby and headed straight to her office. She closed the door. Tension settled in the air... what could have happened to make Izabel arrive at the company nervous? Juca had no desire to find out, but what the hell... he would have to go to his wife to find out what was happening. Even because the employees needed to stay up to date with what was happening... in the sewing workshop, the last piece of amorim fabric was running out... and there were many orders stopped due to the lack of fabric...

Juca opened the office door, but did not enter immediately. He stood on the threshold, thoughtful. As for Izabel, she was sitting in her chair, elbows resting on the table and her face in her hands. He looked lost, as if he didn't see a way out of the problem. And she didn't see it, anyway... after all, she wouldn't be able to honor her commitments, and that made her nervous. If she had known earlier that she would not receive the requested material, she would have asked Graça, in the Capital, for help... Well, in the afternoon she had a train going to São Paulo... she would definitely be on it. She would take the order drawings and hope that her friend could help her... she knew it was a shot in the dark, but she had to try...

Juca finally gained courage and approached his wife. He remained silent, just watching her. I knew that, when she was in that thoughtful state, it was better not to disturb her... the ideal was to let her decide to say something... yes, Izabel was a good person, but... well, when there was a problem it was a little... explosive. Well, after some time she raised her head and saw her husband standing in front of her, silent. Just looking at her. With a question in her eyes that would never be expressed in words. She smiled... she couldn't understand this devotion from her husband, but she simply loved this gesture on her part. He never demanded anything from her, he always supported her, gave her all the care she needed... and asked for nothing in return...

- Sit down... or are you going to stand there all day?

Juca sat in front of his wife.

- What happened, Belinha?

She looked at her husband, thoughtfully...

- I'm going to take the four o'clock train to São Paulo...

- Are you going to São Paulo? Why?

- Because CTI will delay the delivery of the Amorim even further... and I need it to finish the orders...

- I know, but... what does CTI have to do with São Paulo?

- The CTI? Nothing... I'll ask Graça for help...

- And do you think she can help?

- I hope so... anyway, I'm going to take the three seamstresses with me... who knows if I can't...

Juca remained silent... he knew that Izabel and Graça were very close in their childhood and adolescence, but it had been a long time since the two had met... what if things didn't go as Izabel expected?

With a slight delay, the train left the Taubaté Railway Station, heading to São Paulo. The trip would take about six hours, if there were no other delays along the way. As it was almost three o'clock, at best they would arrive in the Capital around nine at night. They would stay in a hotel there in Brás, close to the Railway Station. And the next morning they would go to Graça's store. And Izabel would ask her friend for help. Of course she knew that suddenly her friend might not be able to help her. But the only way to find out was to talk to her. And that was what she would have to do.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Izabel was at the door of her friend's store. She had left her assistants at the hotel, she thought it best not to arrive with her battalion... after all, first she would have to survey the terrain, see if her friend would be able to help her. She was counting on it. She needed this help. But she knew that what we need is not always offered to us, since life has its own routes already traced. When they coincide with what we expect, what happiness. But it's not always so...

When Graça saw her friend entering the store, she almost couldn't believe it. After all, it had been a long time since the two had seen each other. And she was happy with the arrival of her mischievous companion in her good times. The two hugged each other effusively, and after introducing Izabel to all her employees, saying that, in a way, that place only existed thanks to her friend, the two headed to the office. And Izabel exposed her problem. Graça spent a few moments thinking. She got up, went to her control books, examined them. She also checked her order list and inventory. She was serious, thoughtful. Izabel became increasingly worried. After all, she couldn't ask her friend to do more than was possible... it wouldn't be very honest on her part. So, finally Graça addressed her...

- As for the material, no problem... I can lend you two machines... but I don't have anyone available...

Izabel's face lit up with happiness. The friend would help her... she would be able to honor her commitments...

- I brought my employees with me. Thank you friend! You don't know the size of the gift you're giving me!

- You are my sister at heart! How could I not help you? Well, where are your helpers?

- They're at the hotel. I'll go get it now...

- I'm going with you... I really need to take a walk.

And then the two went to the tram stop, bound for Braz. Izabel couldn't contain her happiness. Graça just smiled, seeing her friend so excited.


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