- There is still much?

- No... another two hours and we arrive in Igaratá...

- My God.... and aren't we coming, really?!

- And you weren't believing us, Maria?

- Believing, I was... but it's one thing for us to ride through this endless world, it's another thing to reach our destination in one piece...

- Well then, girl... a little more, and we'll put our hand on that money....

- You're not being too hasty, are you?

- Why?

- Well, we can only count on the hide of the ox after skinning it...

- Maria, I consider this ox to be skinned...

Rosa listened to the conversation between the two friends in silence. She had been riding alongside the two for a week and had already taken a liking to them. She thought they were a little crazy, but she knew they had good hearts... and that worried her. After all, a good heart didn't go hand in hand with human hunting... it's true that the two were quite energetic against her ex-partner and her friends... but the situation was different. Now they were going to face a person who had committed a crime, yes. But the heat of emotion had already passed, and if they hesitated... well, it sure wasn't going to be good for either of them. It is true that Graça had improved in the use of her weapons... Rosa taught her how to use the bola and lasso... and Maria was quick on the trigger and almost never missed her target... but until now they had not faced a real problem... not on the scale of the one they were chasing... well, fate would decide what would happen in the next few days....

After some more time riding, they finally saw the first houses in the village... now, the only thing the three friends really wanted was to find an inn in the city, take a nice shower, eat something and rest... they would worry about cattle, farm and bandit after a good night's sleep in a soft bed... and so they did. They dismounted in front of the first inn they found... like all the inns on the road, it didn't have a very inviting air, but as they say... "for those who are thirsty, any water is good for drinking" .... besides that , the interior of the inn was cozier than its facade. The three ordered a portion of chicken, accompanied by rice and beans, plus a strong coffee like what. After satisfying their hunger, and as night was already approaching, they asked for a room and went to rest... they would leave to continue their fight after a good night's sleep...

While they were lying down and sleep didn't come, Maria started thinking about her family... it had been a long time since she had seen them... since the day she had decided to go on this crazy adventure together with her friend. How was her mother doing? Her father... her brothers... even that beast Tonhão she was missing... it's true that he intended to take her to the altar and Maria had no intention of getting married... but thinking about it now, distant that she was from everyone she knew, she missed the pampering he did to her... that's right, he wasn't any prince charming... it's likely that he would never leave the life of a country boy, he wasn't an ambitious guy... but he he really liked her and always gave her some little present... he never went to meet her without bringing her a wild flower. Yes, it was nothing that spectacular... but it was like his father always said... what mattered was the intention, not the gift itself... the value of the object was linked to the heart of the person who gave the gift. mimo... and, no matter what it was, that would be a unique object, whose value could never be calculated, because no money in the world could buy it, since it was a gift from the soul...

Speaking of souls... did the ghosts continue to roam their village? One of the reasons that made her offer to accompany her friend around the world was precisely to escape the manifestations of souls from the other world... she thought a lot about the subject and came to the conclusion that if she looked for other airs, perhaps her fear of the unknown and the beyond if it were... new experiences, new ways of seeing life...

The worst experience, which she couldn't forget, was the one in which the two had gotten lost in the woods. And no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get out of there, until Grace began to pray. Graça knew several prayers, practically for all kinds of problems from beyond... she had learned from her mother, who for some time was one of the best healers in the region... but lately, an illness overtook her, and nothing could be done. to heal her... yes, sometimes human intervention was necessary... according to the doctor, if your mother wasn't treated in a hospital, her life would slip away like water that runs through the stones... and that was the trigger for Graça to think of something that would really make money, since working in the fields was not as profitable as she needed... first she thought of driving cattle, as the pay was much better than what she received.. later, when he found out how much landowner Leôncio was offering for the capture of Zé Ferreira, he didn't hesitate for a minute, and decided that he would go after that prize. Was it going to work? She didn't know... but she had to try, to be able to save her dear little mother...

Maria looked at the bed where Grace was lying. She returned the look... it was as if she was reading her friend's thoughts... and then, Graça smiled. Rosa, tired from the ride, was snoring peacefully, as she felt safe in the company of her new friends. Even considering the type of mission in which they were all involved, this one felt calm, because she knew that the two friends would not abandon her, no matter what situation arose. And she would do everything in her power for the two of them... but at that moment, she was living in the world of dreams, where everything was perfect and wonderful... she would leave the cruel world behind when she woke up and her friends decided to continue the hunt. ... for now, she was playing in the flowery fields of her childhood, running along with Mosquito, her pet dog that accompanied her until the beginning of her adolescence...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One