The Crystal Cup Chapter 2

 The Crystal Cup

Chapter 2

That morning was being somewhat chaotic for Ricardo. Maybe because he had a fight with Cecilia, he couldn't sleep well at night. And for someone who works in traffic, like him, that was just terrible...

Why had they even fought? He couldn't remember. What he did know was that the argument had been ugly, where even physical aggression had rolled. Who went down the drain first? He didn't remember. Just as he had no idea what the trigger had been that had triggered all the turmoil. Perhaps the fact that he arrived home late and, on top of that, drunk, influenced the situation...

It had been some time since the two could not understand each other. And he couldn't understand why... after all, in the beginning the two were so in love. But, suddenly, anything served as a pretext for one to offend the other. And that started to push them away...

Ricardo had been married to Cecília for four years. At the beginning of life together, everything was wonderful, the true paradise in heaven. But suddenly, from one moment to the next, earthly paradise became hell in his life. So much so that he opted to stay away from home longer, to try to lead life without so many mishaps. But the relationship between the two was fraying with each new quarrel that arose. And the reasons were the most varied...

Ricardo was a bus driver. And due to his profession, and because he was extremely nice (and very handsome, by the way) he was relatively successful with women. He had many female friends among the everyday passengers. And some friends were more intimate than others... and that's why the confusion started in their married life...

Due to those accidents in life, one day he was scheduled to work on the line that served his neighborhood. He was on reserve, there was a driver missing and they told him to cover the line. On his second trip, his wife ended up taking his bus. She got in, paid the fare and took her seat in the middle of the car. Until then, so good. What he didn't expect is that one of his acquaintances would also join the collective on that trip. And she was one of the friends with whom he had a somewhat ... intimate relationship, so to speak. After all, it wasn't even a week since the two had gone to the motel after Ricardo completed his journey...

The girl got in, sat down on the engine bay, and started talking to the boy. The thing flowed so naturally that he even forgot that his wife was in that vehicle. At a given moment, when the bus stopped to disembark some passengers, the girl kissed him (that cinematic kiss, but not the technical kiss) and also disembarked. Cecilia saw it happen in front of her. His blood boiled at the time, but he managed to control himself and remain in his seat, although his desire at the time was to punch both of them... but surely, at night, when they were home, he would have to explain what had no explanation. And then, he would see what could happen...

When she got to her stop, she got off. It was then that Ricardo realized the size of her blunder. He turned pale, hoping she hadn't seen her friend acting so intimate with him... but the broth had already spilled.


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