Chapter Fifty-Six

Izabel was upset. That whole situation wasn't exactly what she expected, when she left and left her husband and children. No. In her imagination, she would have a period of unique adventures, with lots of shooting, hunting for people wanted by the law, fights... in other words, there would be no more routine in her life. Every day would be something new. Good or bad, what mattered was that one day would never be the same as another. But...

Rosa was also discouraged. Is that why she quit her job with the kids? Walking from one side to the other, knowing what could happen and not being able to take any action? No, this was definitely not what she expected...

Graça, of the three, was the most calm. Perhaps the fact of living on the run in the big city, always having to solve a new problem that arose, made her appreciate this period of false tranquility. Yes, because she knew that, when she least expected it, everything would explode into the air.

Yes, things were moving slowly, almost stopping. And, no... they didn't really have a relevant role in that story... they were just observers of something that was happening around them. What is your role in all of this? Wait for the curtain to fall and the actors to retreat backstage... and then, take the losers to the fields beyond... if mortals were the ones defeated, they would remain on the celestial prairies. If it were the entity... then it would be led to the gates of the abode of the gods....

The mission of the three of them was important, no matter how dull it seemed... that's right, the girls were used to taking action, but you don't always do what you like... often we only do what is necessary, even that this is something boring and dull...

If we say that Izabel regretted having abandoned everything to pursue the unknown, the adventure, we would be lying. Deep down, she didn't miss her ex-husband or her children at all... it was as if they had never been a part of her life...

Even Izabel never really managed to understand why she got married. Okay, the boy liked her since they were children... and would do anything to make her happy... but she never felt anything for him. And yet... they ended up getting married.

These are things of destiny. It was necessary for her to get married. It was written. But, despite being united in marriage by the Holy Church, she was never able to feel anything for him... and yet they had two children...

Rosa loved her students. She really liked teaching. But she liked more the world she discovered alongside her friends. That freed her from an abusive marriage, to say the least. That gave her back her self-love, that helped her feel like someone... Yes, those two girls brought her back to life. And this was something that could not be compared with anything in the world, not even with her role as a teacher...

As for Graça... well, she had a period of adventure that she had never dreamed of when she was young... and in fact, she only threw herself into that life, body and soul, because she needed money to take care of her mother. And she did it. But then she decided to calm down. Take care of your life. From your mother. And she ended up responsible for the lives of several people, something she had never imagined could happen. But happened.

When Graça received the call to return to the road, she left everything in the hands of her trusted maid... because she had taken care of the girl as if she were her mother. And Graça was always grateful for that. When her mother passed away, Cidinha did her best to help the girl overcome the impact of the loss. And the faithful maid was always by her side, both in good times and in not so good times, like this...

Although it was not her obligation, since Graça had passed all her properties into the maid's name, Cidinha sent a report every fifteen days, and also sent a portion of the profits recorded. Yes, Cidinha felt grateful for everything her boss had given her, just as Graça had Cidinha close to her heart...

The three friends always kept a little distance from the rest of the group. Precaution. They knew they couldn't be indiscreet, or everything would end in a way that wouldn't be pleasant for anyone... after all, they weren't there to hunt. They even provided support when necessary, but the instructions they received were very clear...

The sky was all stars. The moon, so full that it looked like the sun, was so bright in the sky. Its silver light reflected on the clear waters of the river and made the fall of the waterfall even more beautiful in the dim light of the night. The view we had was good... like I said, it was a full moon night and so everything was very bright on the prairie. If the entity appeared at any point, it would not go unnoticed...

The hours dragged by slowly. The sound of the night filled the air. Crickets chirped, frogs croaked... fireflies cut through the air, looking like reflections of the stars that were in the sky. A fresh wind, coming from the south, warned everyone that everything was fine, nothing was out of place... The delicious scent of wild flowers filled the air... peace was present in the world at that moment.

It must have been close to midnight, and nothing strange or suspicious had happened until that moment. Izabel got up from where she was and went to where Juvêncio was lying...

- Delegate...

- Get down, girl... or Anhangá might see you...

- Don't worry... that's what I came to talk to you about...

- What it was?

- Honestly, I believe we can return to the city... the beast won't attack anyone today...

- And how do you know that?

- Let's say it's intuition....

- No, seriously... how do you know the monster won't attack?

- A question of logic...

- Like this?

- Well, you gentlemen killed the animal's mount...

- It wasn't our main target...

- I know...

The two face each other! Eyes to eyes. And Juvêncio felt that the girl was serious... but how could she know whether Anhangá would attack or not? Only if...

- Izabel, what makes you so sure that the creature won't attack us?

-I can't say... all I know is that he won't come out tonight... I'm sure he's very hurt...

- AND...?

-And, at least for a few days, he will have to use his parasites to feed himself... until he recovers...

- Like this?

- Well, parasites are your food reserve... when something stops you from hunting... it is from them that the blood you need to survive comes...

- And you... could you tell me that? Now?

- Actually, I'm just confirming what you discovered. When you discover something, I can confirm it or not...

- I see... so the hunt for today is over...

- I would say, for the next five days...

- Is he going to leave?

- Oh, no... our friend still has the right to another fifteen days of hunting. He will lose about five... there will still be about ten left...

- So... let's break camp...


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