Chapter Fifty-Seven

The week passed peacefully, as Izabel had said to Juvêncio. No attacks have been recorded in the meantime. Yes, people felt a false security. After all, at least apparently, Anhangá... or whatever it was that was making life in the city hell... was gone.

Doctor Carneiro returned to his routine, resuming his practice. Even more pro forma, since he left all the assistance in Marieta's hands and only intervened in some case when the girl requested her help.

Marieta felt safe with her master close by. And...imagine...she didn't request the mentor's help once she went, all week. Yes, she was prepared to take over the office...

Carneiro was already making plans to travel to Santos as soon as possible. The desire to acquire a car was so ingrained in his mind that he kept dreaming about it. I had even sent a letter to an acquaintance so that he could begin the procedures for importing the vehicle.

Doctor Carneiro already knew how the car could be fueled. Although the recommended fuel was gasoline, a very rare product in Brazilian lands, he learned that Santos Dumont's brother, the inventor, fueled his car with cachaça... and the vehicle performed well.

As the fuel problem was resolved, nothing prevented the purchase of it. And Carneiro couldn't wait to receive the news that his powerful was ready to come to Espirito Santo do Pinhal... look... not even the mayor had acquired one yet. And it wasn't for lack of money, no... it was just that the artifact didn't really interest him...

Doctor Santana spent the week managing the cowboys' fights when they came to town. Normally these people stayed on the farms, but every now and then they decided to go to civilization... they drank too much and ended up getting into trouble...

Yes, it was a peaceful week, where the police chief's only concern was arresting one or two drunks... it had been a while since he felt as calm as he did on those days. So much so that he even gave Torquato two days off to visit his parents in the village...

Santana used to make at least three rounds around the city, observing everything and everyone. After all, the problem could arise where least expected. Well, fortunately the problems seemed to want to stay away from the city... not even a drunk was taken to the police station cells...

Matilde continued researching the topic at hand. She wanted to find out as much information as possible about the entity they were facing.

After exhausting the books in the library that dealt with the subject, she began talking to older people, especially those involved with magic. She knew that much of the knowledge acquired by these people was transmitted orally and that there was no shared record of the information that these people kept in memory.

Of course, this created an additional difficulty in being able to understand exactly what each person was talking about... after all, the sorcerer's own upbringing ended up influencing how he described what was known to her. Yes, because along with the magic lessons learned from the masters of each group, there also came family formation, where stories and legends were so ingrained in their psyche, that it was almost impossible to separate what they learned from their parents from what the magicians taught them. taught...

She was sure of one thing... Juvêncio was right in thinking that somewhere in the forest there should be a temple erected in the name of Anhangá. Not for the people she knew. But by some civilization before them all...

What gave you this certainty? Especially the legends she heard during her search for the truth. The main one spoke of a place completely covered in gold, where fortune would smile on that brave person with a pure heart who discovered it.

Of course the phrase didn't fit. Brave, okay... she knew a lot of people who really were brave. That they weren't afraid to face anything that came their way... now, with a pure heart? This was an item that was missing in the local market....

Of the group, the only one who continued to make forays into the backlands was Juvêncio. He needed to unravel the mystery surrounding the vampire he was chasing. He knew that, from one moment to the next, the entity could begin to pursue him without stopping, and the best way to avoid this was to find out where the beast rested.

Our friend turned over every stone in the place where he suspected the being could have hidden. He even went into the water and looked for an entrance behind the waterfall... but of course the search turned up nothing. He knew he was missing something, and it bothered him. For he knew that any detail, no matter how insignificant, escaped him, more lives would be lost...

Juvêncio sat on the riverbank and thought... and for a few moments he saw himself a few years younger, riding his faithful Corisco, next to Juquinha, riding Saci, his horse black as the moonless night, and as fast as Corisco. Yes, those were other times, when his biggest concern was chasing bandits and bringing justice to humble people. At that time he didn't even dream of becoming a monster hunter...

When was your first supernatural case? When did he face an enemy that could not be stopped by the common ammunition he carried in his weapons?... It was soon after Juquinha was enrolled in the College... Juvêncio began patrolling the backlands alone, when he came across his first sucker -blood. As they say, no one forgets the first monster...

It was a clear night, so clear that he could see someone approaching at least a hundred meters away... that was when he saw him... a strange being, similar to a large bat, attacking a young woman who was walking along the road towards the your home. Immediately, Juvêncio took out his weapons and began shooting at the creature.

She stopped, let go of the girl and looked at Juvêncio... her eyes were red as fire... when looking at them, Juvêncio saw the very door of Hell. He continued to fire at the strange being, but all he did was laugh. And he began to walk very slowly towards our friend, as if he was savoring every second of the terror he spread.

When the enemy attacked Juvêncio, his weapons were unloaded. He pulled out the dagger and struck several blows at his opponent, who this time felt the wounds... oh, yes... the dagger was silver, a farewell gift from his pupil. After several blows against the beast, it fell lifeless at his feet... and it was there that Juvêncio learned that, for certain creatures, only silver was a match...


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