Pessoal, temos uma noticia que, se realmente for confirmada, será ótima para todo mundo. O prefeito de nossa cidade, o senhor Ricardo Nunes, está cogitando adotar a tarifa zero para os ônibus da Capital. Se isso ocorrer de fato, e a oferta de transporte público melhorar, será a melhor coisa que poderia acontecer para nossos cidadãos. Não votei no Nunes para prefeito (a bem da verdade, não votei no Bruno Covas), mas se ele realmente implantar a tão sonhada tarifa zero para os ônibus de nossa cidade...Uau! Com toda a certeza meu voto para o próximo mandato será dele. E tenho certeza de que vocês também votarão nele, não é mesmo? um beijo para todos...
23 - A NEW DIRECTION - Have you had any more nightmares these days? It was Grace, talking to her friend Maria. The two were strolling along the riverbank as they used to do after the end of the work day. Grace was serious these days. It wasn't that she wasn't usually serious, but lately she always walked around with a thoughtful air, as if something was worrying her. Yes, things weren't very easy for her... her mother was a little sick, and the doctor had already warned her that she should take Dona Constância to be treated in the Capital... but with what money? What she earned in the week was barely enough for the household expenses... if only she had a way to earn a little more... - No, lately I sleep like an angel... and you? - Sleep, I sleep well... my worries are different... - Your mother, right? - That... I don't know what to do, you know? - Need help? - And who doesn't? To tell you the truth, what I needed was to earn more... - Only if it were dealing with ...
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