Good Morning. And another day begins. Today the sun is not radiant and happy like yesterday, at least until now. It still hasn't shown its face for our day. In fact, what prevails at the moment is a little chill that, for those who are sheltered inside their house, is even nice, as it already gives us the idea of ​​​​having a warm chocolate, for example... but not everyone can do it that, isn't it?

"The sun doesn't always shine, there are also days when the rain falls", the poet told us. And this is an indisputable truth. But just because the day is cloudy, with the possibility of rain, doesn't mean we're not going to have a wonderful day, right? After all, so many good things happen in our daily lives...
Today, for example, another rosebud was born in my garden. It's a red rosebush, very beautiful. Some flowers have already withered and fallen their petals, as with everything that has lived its time, but new flowers are born every day, to take the place of those who left. And so goes the flow of life...
May this day bring us much peace and love into our lives, and may God allow us to live intensely, helping us to separate the wheat from the chaff, following the path of His Light. It's not an easy goal to follow, but let's try?
Kisses to all...


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